Poster Abstract

Innovation and Assessment in CPD : Introducing the use of Script Concordance Test (SCT) to Address Controversies on Prostate Cancer Management (P086)

Fred Saad (Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)); François Bénard (Centre de pédagogie appliquée aux sciences de la santé (CPASS), Université de Montréal); France St-Germain (Sanofi Canada); Cristine Lamoureux (Centre de pédagogie appliquée aux sciences de la santé (CPASS), Université de Montréal); Bernard Charlin (Centre de pédagogie appliquée aux sciences de la santé (CPASS), Université de Montréal)


Present an innovative e-learning format that induces, through the use of script concordance tests (SCT), reflection on controversial issues in clinical practice. Aimed to practicing urologists, a pilot was developed to address controversies in the management of prostate cancer.


Designed for urologists, the purpose of this program was to present an innovative way to induce, through online Script Concordance Tests (SCT), reflection on controversial issues in the management of prostate cancer.


SCT is a tool to assess learners’ clinical reasoning in complex situations where experts’ opinions may be divided. Using needs assessment results, a planning committee identified the most common controversial practice situations associated with prostate cancer. This CPD/CME program comprised 7 short clinical scenarios, each followed by a set of questions assessing the impact of additional information on specific clinical decisions. A national panel of experts provided answers for the questions and shared educational material to support their position which were then aggregated and incorporated into the web platform. Participants completed the CPD/CPD program individually online. Participants answered the SCT questions (pre-test), compared their choices (scores) with those from the experts, read the enduring educational material, commented on experts’ opinion in the educational forum, answered the SCT questions a second time (post-test), and then completed an evaluation form.


The results are expected to induce reflection by learners. Analysis of pre— and post-test results will be performed to assess the degree of change and the impact of experts’ opinions on participants. The overall participants’ level of satisfaction will also be measured.

Application and Future Directions

Further CPD/CME programs using SCT could be developed in other clinical and therapeutic areas. The impact would then be measured to confirm if SCT is a relevant CPD/CME format in the context of clinical controversies.


Script Concordance Script (SCT), clinical controversies, continuing professional development (CPD/ CME), prostate cancer, assessment, controversies.

Funding Sources

Sanofi Canada

Centre de pédagogie appliquée aux sciences de la santé (CPASS), Université de Montréal.