Workshop Symposia

Best Practices in Quality Feedback (W001)

Barb Bean, B.Comm., CHRP (Manager Administration, Division of Continuing Professional Learning, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan)

Purpose & Format

The workshop is intended to encourage a workplace culture that embraces and engages in continuous quality improvement which is key to meeting the shared goals of the team. WIthin the CPD/CME environment we promote core values of continuing professional learning, commitments to change and improved patient outcomes. The ability to exercise these values is linked to the environment that Health and CPD professionals work within and the ability to share feedback respectfully and supportively with a goal of continuous quality improvement. The workshop will be interactive and participative throughout to engage the participants and facilitate sharing and learning from one another.


Participants will be able to discuss best practices for managing human resource performance issues through quality feedback and identify barriers to implementing. Participants will be given an opportunity to collaborate and share their ideas and solutions to implementation barriers that they have experienced in their work environments.


Performance Issues are those issues that arise when there is a gap between what is expected and the action/behaviour performed.


Improved communication between individuals, health care teams and promoting an overall workplace culture of continuous quality improvement.


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