Rajeshwari Maragathavel (Insignia Communications Pvt Ltd)
In today’s fast paced scenario CME learning and being updated with latest has gained utmost importance for better disease management and better patient outcomes. Medical education is under constant change not only for the learners but also for instructors because of need, content and methodology of dissemination. In India there is a huge gap because legislation to make CME a prerequisite has made no progress. Practitioner lacks the opportunity for undergoing good quality CME, incentives as well as motivation for attending CME‘s. Many practitioners in India fear that without CME courses, lack of updated knowledge can endanger lives and perpetuate wrong diagnosis and treatment modalities. CME being at nascent stage there is a need to impart the right CME for right doctor at right time and place to create levels of appropriate learning. CME schooling thereby is the gradual process of acquiring the scientific education. Very effective methodologies to implement CME schooling includes creating physicians pyramid and mapping the same according to demographics of physicians, identifying the need and using appropriate means and resources’ to conduct the same with established assessments.
Schematic representation of Learners Mapping required to the demographics.
Methods and Analysis
The methodology of research would be questionnaire. Sample to be interviewed, 30 practitioners from each category total of 150 practitioners with 10 from each demography.
Data would be entered on Microsoft and analysis would be done on SPSS.