Rebecca Wilson (Mayo Clinic); Jodi Lee Beert (Mayo Clinic); Brian Killion (Mayo Clinic); Tracy Landreth (Mayo Clinic)
Collaboration between course faculty, CME planners, and simulation center staff has resulted in a variety of methods to incorporate simulation-based experiences in continuing medical education conferences. This session will include practical approaches to incorporate simulation-based education into courses including best practices and lessons learned.
Incorporation of simulation-based education in the context of Continuing Medical Education requires creativity and teamwork to overcome educational and logistic challenges. Simulation-based education has been demonstrated to be effective for meeting a variety of learning objectives (McGaghie, et al, 2010).
Collaboration between course faculty, CME planners, and simulation center staff has resulted in a variety of methods to incorporate simulation-based experiences in continuing medical education conferences. This group has hosted attendees in a dedicated simulation center and procedural innovation lab for task and procedural training; developed workshops and full-day immersive simulation courses and coordinated simulation into off-site courses with positive feedback from faculty and attendees.
Panel presentation and demonstrations of simulation-based education.
Participants will learn practical approaches to incorporating simulation-based education into courses including best practices and lessons learned.
McGaghie, W.C., Issenberg, S.B., Petrusa, E.R., & Scalese, R.J. (2010) A critical review of simulationbased medical education research: 2003 – 2009. Medical Education, 44, 50-63. doi:10.1111/j.13652923.2009.03547.x
Authors have nothing to disclose.