Francine Borduas (Université Laval); France Légaré (Université Laval); Adriana Freitas (Université Laval); Réjean Laprise (Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec); André Jacques (Collège des médecins du Québec); Francesca Luconi (Université McGill); Gaston Godin (Université Laval)
To present the initial results of our project that aims to develop a theory-driven, valid, reliable, global instrument to assess the impact of accredited live CPD activities on clinical practice.
We systematically reviewed existing instruments assessing healthcare professionals’ intention and behaviors. Eligible instruments were analysed and an instruments’inventory based on social cognitive theories was created. The most relevant items from this inventory were selected to integrate the constructs of the conceptual model used to compose the tool. An e-Delphi study is being conducted to check its face validity and likely acceptability in CPD settings.
We identified 47 eligible instruments that assessed health professionals’ intentions and behaviors. 1218 items composing our inventory were reclassified into the 8 constructs of an integrated theoretical model for the study of healthcare professionals’ intentions and behaviors (intention, n=122; beliefs about capabilities, n=275; habit/past behavior, n=15; beliefs about consequences, n=466; social influences, n=248; moral norm, n= 18; role and identity, n=33; behavior, n=41). Through an interactive process, 60 items (5-15 items per construct) were selected to compose the preliminary tool. Experts from different domains are checking tool’s acceptability through an e-Delphi process.
The expertise sharing between KT researchers and CPD decision-makers in this project is contributing to develop a theory -based instrument to assess the impact of CPD activities on clinical practice. This new tool not only meet CPD providers’ needs for high-quality evaluation methods but also provide ways for more targeted and effective knowledge translations in the future.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. This study is funded by a Partnership for Health System Improvement grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.