Ed Dellert (ACCP); Suzanne Ziemnik (ASCP); Ted Bruno (France Foundation)
The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) recognizes that any significant impact upon gaps in health care will require collaboration of multiple organizations over a series of multi-dimensional educational interventions. We have implemented a CE Collaborative entitled GAIN-DPAT (EnGAging an InterDisciplinary Team for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Diagnosis, Personalized Assessment, and Treatment to address gaps in health care knowledge, competence and performance surrounding the clinical assessment, diagnosis and initial treatment of non-small cell lung cancer.
Through a combined didactic, case based and interactive question delivery, this workshop will outline the pros and cons associated with CE collaborations to be incorporated in making an impact on educational initiatives and health care professional’s practices. Topic areas will include curriculum content developed by an inter-disciplinary team; the use of an Executive Committee and series of Workgroups represented by multiple organizations; educational interventions driven by needs and gap analysis in clinical practice assessment and validation methods; the use of Live Regional Education Summits at various target sites; the use of skills-based, simulated educational exercises; and an integrated technology platform to support self assessment and outcomes evaluation with MOC credit applied.
Expected Outcomes for Participants
- Identify effective collaborations of multiple organizations to develop, implement and measure outcomes from multiple educational initiatives.
- Identify ineffective processes and tools used in collaborations and why they do not work.
- Discuss case-based exercises in table workgroups on how multi-organizational collaborations through educational efforts can make a larger impact upon clinical health care delivery.
No disclosure.