Pierre Raîche (Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec); Claude Guimond (Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec); Martin Labelle (Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec)
The Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec, the Union of Family Physicians of Quebec, is involved and committed in continuing professional development since its inception.
Purpose and Format
Shortly after the constitution of the union, CME was promoted in association with hospitals and universities, mainly under the goodwill of specialists. Progressively, family physicians became more involved in their CME; the monthly medical journal Le Médecin du Québec began its publication and, in 1986, a continuing medical education section, peer reviewed CME section, was integrated into the publication. Since 1976, we offer annually nine large group two days conferences. These large group conferences are based on a two-year cycle family physician curriculum. Since 2000, the emphasis emerged on Professional development, including newer aspects to traditional CME. In 2007, the FMOQ’s CPD Division developed tools (paper and electronic Self-managed CPD Plan, workshops and guide) and updated them yearly to help physicians plan their continuing development strategy based on a reflective approach. Finally, the new generation reality and the evolution of new technologies bring us to adapt our CME strategies. We are now developing online training lectures through a complete learning path integrated in the physician CPD portfolio.
Expected Outcome for Participants
This workshop will expose the participants to the evolution of CME to CPD throughout the years and describe the integration of different learning strategies for the Quebec family physicians, and allow participants to express themselves, provide feedback and react to this model.