Francine Borduas, MD (President of community social paediatric scientific and pedagogic committee, Médecins francophones du Canada); Gilles Julien, MD (President and CEO, Fondation du Dr Julien); Marie-Laure Drivod, MD (Assistance Enfance en Difficulté); Samuel Harper (Centre de pédiatrie sociale
de Centre-Sud, CLSC des Faubourgs); Marie-Camille Duquette, MD (Département de pédiatrie du Centre universitaire de Québec, Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Québec); Julie Desharnais (General director and clinical coordinator, Assistance Enfance en Difficulté); Marie-Agnes Lebreton (General director, Centre de services préventifs à l’enfance); Céline Monette (CEO, Médecins francophones du Canada); Vedrana Petrovic (Pshychoeducator, Centre de services préventifs à l’enfance); Hélène Sioui Trudel, LL.L. (Fondation du Dr Julien); Nicole Audet, MD (Cité de la santé Laval, Médecins francophones du Canada)
We present a continuing inter-professional development (CID) training module that could evolve with the practice of community social pediatric (CSP) This new field relies on collaboration among professionals, patients, family, and community.
Following the development of an integrated CID strategy based on the desired practice and a core CID portfolio, a training module by phases was created including case studies, information capsules, audiovisual presentations, tools for self-assessment and self-learning and a process improvement quality. The self-assessment tool allow the learner to identify his learning needs, and monitor his CSP competency development .
The module aims to help doctors, lawyers and other professionals to integrate the model and the unique approach of social pediatrics in the community. The educational materials were designed to facilitate sharing expertise, learning from experiences and allowing the learner to develop their competencies based on their CSP practice capacity.
A partnership between Médecins francophones du Canada and Fondation du Dr Julien, fostered the contribution of CSP experts to develop a CPD strategy, translated in a module that aims to help doctors, lawyers and other professionals to share expertise, integrate an inter-professional practice, and promotes cross-sector comprehensive approach to child global health based on the implementation of the Child Rights Convention.
We present an approach for developing a continuing interprofessional development (CID) training module in Community social pediatric that facilitates expertise sharing, skills improvement and capacity building in this new field
Funding Sources
Médecins francophones du Canada and Fondation Dr Julien funded the project and the development of the content
The authors have no conflict(s) of interest.