Best Practices / Research Oral Abstract

Improving Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Through Interprofessional Development Through Project-based Learning in the Clinical Safety and Effectiveness (CSE) Course at UT Health Science Center San Antonio (O025)

Jan E. Patterson, MD, MS (Associate Dean, Quality and Lifelong Learning, Professor of Medicine; UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine); Amruta D. Parekh, MD, MPH (Center for Patient Safety and Health Policy, Educational Development Specialist; UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine); Marissa Howard (Office of Continuing Medical Education, Acting Director; UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine); Leticia Bresnahan, MBA (Center for Patient Safety and Health Policy, Project Coordinator; UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine)


The quality of healthcare imparted by front-line caregivers has been addressed through the introduction of the Clinical Safety and Effectiveness (CSE) course. The course highlights project-based learning by interprofessional teams for improving the safety and quality of care.


The CSE program began with an idea to initiate change resulting in a patient safety culture with six Institute Of Medicine aims* serving as the backbone. The curriculum offers healthcare professionals with patient safety and quality improvement tools to facilitate innovative changes in their immediate work areas, emphasizing quality concepts, evidence-based medicine including patient safety, quality improvement, quality tools, teamwork, disclosure and crafting apologies.

The current complex status of our healthcare delivery system deems it necessary to provide all healthcare professionals with a specialized skill set to help them integrate quality and safety every day.

CME Competency 3.4 – promotes continuous improvement and performance measurement as skills for physician during educational interventions.

The program relates the integration of quality improvement techniques to PI CME and improves patient health outcomes by assimilating Interprofessional education among healthcare professionals. The project-based learning module can be used by physicians as a part of their recertification process. The Office of Continuing Medical Education has certified 20 PI CME activities since January 2011.

The presentation will illustrate how the Center for Patient Safety & Health Policy’s Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Course facilitates practice improvements among Interprofessional healthcare teams resulting in improved patient outcomes and significant return on investment within University of Texas.

Learners will discover proven model which integrates quality improvement tools and techniques, Interprofessional education and PI CME, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

The UTHSCSA CSE Project, EQUIPS, is supported in part by an educational grant from Pfizer, Inc, UTHSCSA, and UT System.

Clinical Collaborators

University Health System, San Antonio, TX, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio , TX, CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System, San Antonio, TX

Notable Projects

  • Falls Reduction in the Acute Care for the Elderly unit where falls were reduced to zero in the first four months. The unit has sustained the lowest fall rates in the hospital.
  • Reducing missed appointment rates in the Ophthalmology clinic by 4% resulting in timely, better patient outcomes, and increased revenue of $150,000.
  • Increasing compliance of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis for at risk patients by 20% improving patient outcomes and decreasing readmission rates.

    Reducing usage of non-evidence based therapy for bronchiolitis, decreasing length of stay by greater than one day, with estimated cost savings of $67,000 over three months.

Recommended Reading

1. Institute of Medicine. Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 2033. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 2001.

2. Shine KI. Health care quality and how to achieve it. Acad Med 2002; 77(1): 91-9. Reference

* Patient care should be Safe, Timely, Effective, Efficacious, Equitable, and Patient Centered