Joan Sargeant (Dalhousie University); Heather Armson (University of Calgary); Jocelyn Lockyer (University of Calgary); Karen Mann (Dalhousie University)
Self-assessment is foundational to self-monitoring, maintaining professional competence and self-directed learning, yet without external feedback, it is frequently flawed. This workshop will explore the concept of “informed self-assessment” and the critical role which performance feedback plays, and identify practical strategies to enhance physician use of external performance feedback to inform their self-assessments.
Funding Sources
Medical Council of Canada, American Board of Internal Medicine
Self-assessment is foundational to self-monitoring, maintaining professional competence and selfdirected learning, yet evidence shows that without external feedback, self-assessment is frequently flawed. This has led to the concept of “informed self-assessment”, a set of activities through which individuals use both external and internal data to conduct an assessment of how they are doing. Feedback is critical yet many factors influence feedback adoption and use. The purpose of this workshop is to identify practical strategies to enhance physician use of external performance feedback to inform their self-assessments.
This is an interactive workshop using multiple learning strategies and drawing on participants’ knowledge and experiences . It will begin with individual reflection upon and discussion in dyads of quotes illustrating challenges in informed self-assessment for physicians (10 mins) followed by a brief presentation of recent research findings on informed self-assessment and conditions influencing the adoption of performance feedback (10 mins). The majority of the time (30 mins) will be spent working in small groups to identify and develop CPD strategies to address the challenges inherent in informed selfassessment, followed by a brief summary of key points.
Expected Outcomes for Participants
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify challenges in informed self-assessment.
- Discuss an evidence-based model for understanding informed self-assessment.
- Discuss factors and conditions that can facilitate informed self-assessment and use of external feedback.
- Identify and develop practical CPD strategies to enhance physicians’ informed self-assessment and feedback adoption.