Workshop Symposia

Innovation in CPD: On Line SCTs to Induce Reflection on Controversial Issues in the Specialities (W007)

Bernard Charlin (CPASS, University of Montreal); Cristine Lamoureux (CPASS, University of Montreal); France St-Germain (Sanofi Canada); François Bénard (CPASS, University of Montreal)


The Script Concordance Test (SCT) is a tool to assess clinical reasoning in complex situations where experts’ opinion may be divided. Its use offers an innovative way to induce, through an on-line activity, reflection on controversial issues in medical specialities. A pilot is currently realized with practicing urologists on management of prostate cancer.


Making health professionals aware of developments in their domains and fostering their reflexivity represent major challenges in CME. The use of script-concordance-based on-line activities offers a method for such training. An application of the method on controversies on the management of prostatic cancer will illustrate the principles and the implementation of this innovation.


With data from an educational needs assessment survey, a planning committee defines controversial practice situations. For each situation a short clinical scenario (case) followed by a set of questions is written, according to the SCT methodology. A panel of experts provides their answer for the questions (scores) and share scientific educational material to support their position. All opinions and material are aggregated and incorporated into the web platform. The educational activity is provided on line. Participants can compare their answers with those from the experts and read their justification and additional educational material. A pilot is currently realized in urology. Cases are presented on line at regular intervals to the community of Canadian urologists.

Expected Outcomes for Participants

Participants will

  • Discover an on-line educational activity that promotes reflectivity
  • Exchange on data obtained in the pilot study
  • Discuss practical issues related to this model of on-line CME

Format and Content

The format will be interactive, with emphasis on free discussion and exchange of ideas.

Intended Audience

Persons interested in continuing education in all of the health professions.


Script Concordance Script (SCT), management controversies, continuing professional development.

Funding Sources

Sanofi Canada Inc.