Poster Abstract

Integrating CanMEDS into a Comprehensive Family Practice Program (P084)

Kate Hodgson (CEPD University of Toronto); James Meuser (College of Family Physicians of Canada); Alan Monavvari (Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto)


CanMEDS Roles can be used as a framework to plan and develop continuing professional development. CPD Program Directors can use review of CanMEDS Roles and Competencies to identify perceived and unperceived needs. Participants can use CanMEDS Roles to guide self-assessment or profile their practice, identify opportunities for CPD, and assess the outcome of learning activities on practice.


This workshop will

  • Explore the seven CanMEDS Roles and their relevance to continuing professional development
  • Use the CanMEDS framework to develop curriculum, review content, and determine educational methodologies
  • Evaluate CPD programs and learners’ outcomes related to CanMEDS roles.


Interactive presentation and case studies using CanMEDS Curriculum Grid

Expected Outcomes for Participants

After actively engaging in this workshop participants will be better able to:

  • Use CanMEDS Framework to identify perceived and unperceived learning needs.
  • Develop comprehensive CPD curriculum to address CanMEDS Roles.
  • Evaluate CPD programs and learners’ outcomes related to CanMEDS roles.

Funding Sources

No Funding Sources