Poster Abstract

Integrating Quality Improvement Tools and Performance Improvement to Achieve CME Office Goals (P017)

Marissa Howard (Office of Continuing Medical Education, Acting Director, UT Health Science Center); Leticia Bresnahan, MBA (Center for Patient Safety and Health Policy, Project Coordinator, UT Health Science Center San Antonio)


CME professionals trained in quality improvement processes/tools can affect changes in the CME Office which result in improved performance and achievement of CME mission.


CME Competency 3.3 Use data to assess the performance of the CME Office in meeting its mission and organizational goals.

Relate QI methods and performance improvement techniques to accomplishing CME Office goals.

An academic medical center will demonstrate how to use of the quality improvement tools – aims statement, process flow chart, cause and effect diagram, and statistical control processes/charts – resulted in process improvement in the CME Office and accomplishment of CME mission and goals.

Recommended Reading

1. Quinn, Robert E, Deep Change Discovering the Leader Within, Jossey-Bass 1996.

2. Kotter, John P., Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, 1996

3. Gordon, Jon, SOUP – A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture, 2010