Francesca Luconi (CHPE, McGill University); Cynthia Weston (Teaching and Learning Services, McGill University)
Outcomes evaluation study assessing the effectiveness of a 9 month-online course on Alzheimer’s disease for rural family physicians.
We will first discuss the instructional framework for the design and implementation of this accredited, asynchronous, theory-driven OCME program on Alzheirmer’s disease (which was completed by RFPs from Quebec and Ontario during a 9-month period.) Second, participants will be asked to predict the effectiveness of this OCME. Next, the evaluation of the program will be discussed as well as the lessons learned from the design, implementation and evaluation of this program. Finally, participants will consider strategies they might use in their contexts to support online learning and transfer to clinical practice.
a) presentation of OCME framework (15 minutes); b) individual prediction exercise (5 minutes); c) reporting of program assessment and lessons learned (15 minutes); d) paired and whole group discussion regarding how aspects of the OCME framework might be useful in their contexts (25 minutes). Target audience: intermediate (health professionals, CME/CPD providers, instructors and researchers with a varied experience with the design, implementation of OCME educational interventions.
Expected Outcomes for Participants
a) discuss the instructional framework for the design and implementation of this OCME program; b) identify strategies that they might use in their context to support online learning and transfer to clinical practice.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.