Jan Patterson (UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine); Amruta Parekh (UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine); Leticia Bresnahan (UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine); Marissa Howard (UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine)
CME Professionals should develop competency in the use of clinical practice data to identify the learning needs of physicians and other healthcare professionals.
CME Competency 2.2 Identify physician learning needs using data, especially clinical practice data
Learning Objectives are:
- Describe the process of identifying learning needs of physicians using data derived from a multiorganizational, multi-disciplinary regional needs assessment.
- Describe quantitative methods used to analyze results.
- Describe longitudinal plan for dissemination of data, development of learning objectives and design/ dissemination of educational interventions.
A didactic presentation will review the process an academic medical center undertook to assess learning needs of healthcare professional in South Texas with regard to management and treatment of menopausal patients.
Menopause – A regional Assessment of Educational Needs of Healthcare Professionals in South Texas is supported in part by an educational grant from Pfizer, Inc, UTHSCSA, and UT System.
Recommended Reading:
- The Alliance for Continuing Medical Education ALMANAC August 2010. “The Roots of Education in ‘Why’.”
- De Moore et al., “Achieving Desired Results and Improved Outcomes: Integrating Planning and Assessment Throughout Learning Objectives.”