Tanuja Barker (UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development); Tunde Olatunbosun (UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development); Brenna Lynn (UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development); Bob Bluman (UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development); Lisa Kan (BC Cancer Agency); Philip White (Family Practice Oncology Network — BC Cancer Agency)
Outcomes from a collaborative partnership between continuing education experts (UBC CPD), the BC Cancer Agency and its Family Practice Oncology Network to deliver accredited, small-group, casebased workshops on breast and prostate cancer care are explored.
To present a collaborative approach for developing and delivering an educational outreach program supporting the cancer care learning needs of family physicians, who play a central role across the cancer care continuum.
The UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development, partnering with the BC Cancer Agency Screening Programs and Family Practice Oncology Network developed and are delivering an accredited, small-group, case-based workshops called the Cancer Care Outreach Program on Education (CCOPE) to BC family physicians. A representative Steering Committee was established to develop the CCOPE framework, and recommended experts developed content for cancer specific workshops. Workshops on breast and prostate cancer were designed to be regionally delivered and contextualized to promote active learning for physicians about optimal cancer care.
Materials & Methods
An environmental scan was conducted to identify learning needs of BC family physicians and inform content development. Workshop cases were created under the guidance of content experts including: medical and radiation oncologists, family physicians and general practitioners in oncology, and education experts. Case material, pre-reading articles and supplementary resources were developed.
Program Evaluation
An evaluation strategy has been developed to assess the impact and effectiveness of the CCOPE initiative (such as self-perceived learning and practice changes) and to assist with ongoing educational refinement.
The collaborative approach used to develop and deliver the CCOPE workshops aimed to produce evidence-based, relevant educational material. The evaluation results will help to determine if this initiative establishes an infrastructure for future educational offerings to family physicians on cancer care topics.
Funding Sources
BC Cancer Agency Screening Programs and Family Practice Oncology Network, and unrestricted educational grants from Sanofi-aventis and Pfizer.
Study funded by BC Cancer Agency Screening Programs and Family Practice Oncology Network, and unrestricted educational grants from Sanofi-aventis and Pfizer.