Eduardo Pleguezuelos (Institute PRACTICUM of Applied Research in Health Sciences Education, Madrid); Bernard Charlin (CPASS, University of Montreal, Institute PRACTICUM); Eduardo Hornos (Institute PRACTICUM of Applied Research in Health Sciences Education); Carlos Brailovsky (Institute PRACTICUM of Applied Research in Health Sciences Education)
We present an innovative online model to help clinicians to maintain and develop their competencies. Implemented in several Spanish-speaking countries the program offer daily reflection on practical cases, with feedback provided on each case.
The need for effective educational programs for CME/CPD, tailored to development of competencies, has become increasingly clear. In this workshop we present an innovative CME model centered on clinical reasoning, in which: (1) Script Concordance Test is used as a tool for self-assessment and training of the reflexive abilities and, (2) a feedback method, based on the opinions of a panel of experts for every clinical dilemma, is provided to the participants. The program is being used with success in several Spanish-speaking countries. For example, in Mexico, 1200 pediatricians and 540 cardiologists attend an annual training cycle, in which they receive a SCT-based case per day, 5 days/week, 240 cases/year. CME credits are attributed to the participants.
The format will be interactive, with emphasis on free discussion and exchange of ideas about the webbased SCT learning approach,
Expected Outcomes
The workshop will enable participants to:
- Reflect on the rationale and the need to explore perspectives of educational approaches that can enhance effective clinical problem solving.
- Discover a distance learning model based on daily SCT-based clinical challenges, which has as objective the strengthening of reflexive skills.
- Discuss practical issues related to this model of on-line CME and to the learning technology platform.
No conflict(s) of interest.