Poster Abstract

Self-Directed Learning and Practice Improvement (P027)

Savithiri Ratnapalan (The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto)


With the growing emphasis on maintenance of certification in many countries, healthcare professionals should be able organize their self directed learning into personal learning projects (PLP) for accreditation purposes. Documenting self directed learning as Personal learning projects and evaluating practice impact using chart audits are relatively simple measures that can be undertaken by all health professionals.


A 20-minute didactic presentation of a case study followed by facilitated small group discussions of participants’ own personal learning projects and their evaluation using templates for PLP and chart audits.

Expected Outcome for Participants

At the end of this workshop participants should be able to

  1. List 4 components of Personal Learning Projects (PLP)
  2. Identify 1 PLP from their practice
  3. Analyze 2 reasons for doing chart audits
  4. Describe the steps involved in doing chart audits