Best Practices / Research Oral Abstract

Show-it-Better: Ten Techniques to Edit and Optimize Images for Presentations (O047)

Elizabeth Wooster (OISE/University of Toronto); Andrew Dueck (University of Toronto); Tony Moloney (University of Toronto); Douglas Wooster (University of Toronto)


Electronic presentations (eg PowerPoint®) are an important component of scientific communication in the health professions.There is very little published on optimizing images for presentations in such settings. This workshop will identify common errors and shortcomings in image preparation and present 10 techniques to optimize images. Participants will be able to apply these techniques to improve their own presentations and train others in applying these skills.


Electronic presentations (eg PowerPoint®) are an important component of scientific communication in the health professions. Supporting materials for teaching and effective communication of knowledge in a variety of settings is augmented by quality visuals. Reviews and audits of short and long presentations by trainees, ‘professional’ presenters and novice and experienced educators show poor skills in preparation of ‘slides’ and image control in up to 60%. There is very little published on optimizing images for presentations in such settings. This workshop will identify common errors and shortcomings in image preparation and present 10 techniques to optimize images. Participants will be able to apply these techniques to improve their own presentations and train others in applying these skills.


The workshop leaders will present findings from an audit of presentations and the participants will discuss the relevance of these findings to quality presentations. Techniques to optimize images will be presented. A standardized collection of images will be provided to each participant and guided interaction will be followed to allow each participant to modify the images using the 10 techniques to ‘Showit-Better’. Small group discussion will be held to identify strategies to use these skills to train others. All participants are encouraged to bring a laptop for hands-on use.

Expected Outcomes:

At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe the current status of image use in electronic presentations
  • Demonstrate the ten technical skills in optimizing images for presentation.
  • Present a strategy to train others in the techniques to “Show-it-Better


  • None of the authors have any conflicts to declare.