Brian Giuffrida (Vice President of Strategy, InReach Healthcare)
This workshop will provide high-level insight into the latest technologies and methodologies for online learning and discuss the value of these tools in relation to effective ongoing learning in the medical profession. The presentation will include a brief review of selected parts of an online CME course and a look behind the scenes into how courses are delivered and how remote participants are tracked and evaluated.
Convenience is the biggest driver of online CME/CPD. That only makes sense given the workload of today’s healthcare professionals; but there are significantly more important reasons why online continuing education, and in particular webcasting, is positively impacting CME/CPD. Attend this workshop to gain a deeper understanding of how online learning techniques can benefit the learner, including providing a learning environment where information can not only be readily assimilated, but revisited to ensure proficiency. Participate in a discussion about how online education has impacted the youngest generation of medical professionals as well as the seasoned veterans in the field. Get a behind the scenes look at how CME/CPD technology has evolved to deliver online content, in the form of webcasting, directly from in-person events to geographically diverse participants using a wide variety of remote devices—including technology’s ability to accurately assess individual student participation in a program and understanding of the educational material delivered.