Workshop Symposia

Transitions in Practice: The Evidence and Practice of Supporting Physicians as they Move through their Careers (W019)

Jocelyn Lockyer, PhD (Associate Dean, Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development, Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences; University of Calgary); Craig Campbell, MD, FRCPC (Director, Office of Professional Affairs, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada); Gisele Bourgeois-Law, MD, MEd, FRCSC (Associate Dean Professional Development University of British Columbia)


Transitions in practice are critically intense learning experiences which physicians face as they enter practice, plan the course of a career and face when they retire. This workshop will provide an overview of the critical research about physician transitions; identify the key transitions which physicians will make in practice; identify ways to assist physicians navigate the transitions; and determine strategies with which CPD units and organized medicine can better support physicians as their careers evolve.


Transitions in practice are critically intense learning experiences which physicians face as they enter practice, develop expertise over a career and retire. In moving into practice, physicians must come to terms with their new identity as independent practitioner while adjusting to new expectations which may be accompanied by both the personal and professional challenges associated with establishing a practice, creating new collegial relationships and family formation. Transitions over the course of a practice occur in response to geographic moves; the assumption of significant new roles as researchers, administrators, and educators; narrowing and broadening practice scope; embedding new scientific advances; re-entry into practice following leave; and preparing to retire from practice. There is a small but growing literature that identifies the critical elements that mediate the impact of these transitional periods.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to

1. Describe the research about physician career transitions.

2. Describe successful support programs for physicians at transition points in their careers

3. Determine how their organizations might better support physicians at crucial transition periods in professional practice .


This workshop will combine brief overviews of the research literature and examples of effective support programs with interactive small and large group discussions focused on how CPD organizations and organized medicine can better support the transitions physicians make.

Expected Outcomes

Participants will have an appreciation for the research about physician transitions and identify ways that they and their organizations can better support physicians as their careers evolve.


There are no conflicts of interest to declare.