Concurrent Session 3

14:40 - Thursday, May 31, 2012

Room 202A

Moderator: G. West 
Best Practices/Research O013 A Self-paced Walk-by Interactive Learning Tour of  “Lymphomas of the Skin” for Pathologists and Laboratory Professionals Using iPads and LCD Learning Stations
S. Ziemnik, J. Sibley

O014 Supporting Simulation with Online Prerequisites
J. Norton, S. Anderson

O015 Using Case Simulations to Reinforce Clinical and Communication Skills
F. St-Germain, A. Bell, M. Robert

O016 An Innovation in Continuing Professional Development to Improve Doctors’ Clinical Performance by the Use of Unannounced Standardized
M. Shirazi, S. Parikh Patients




Room 202B

Knowledge Translation/Continuing Professional Development
Moderator: C. Olson 
Best Practices/Research O017 Developing a research agenda from a Continuing Medical Education Activity
A. Dueck, E. Wooster, D. Szalay, D. Wooster

O018 Preliminary Findings: Mapping practice boundaries and intersections between the domains of Continuing Education Knowledge Translation Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
S. Kitto, M. Bell, J.Peller, J. Sargeant, E. Etchells, J. Goldman, S. Reeves, I. Silver

O019 Knowledge Translation(KT) Science in Action to Optimize CPD
E. Lindsay, P. Hendry

O020 Integrated Knowledge Translation: an active partnership between researchers and health care providers
E. Vilis, J. Thirsk, C. Bradley, N. Santesso, C. Arratoon, J. Grimshaw





Room 203A

Workshop/Symposia W013 Defining the Skills of Lifelong Learning: A Competency-based approach
C. Campbell, I. Silver, T. Horsley

Room 203B

Workshop/Symposia W014 Exploring Transdisciplinarity’s Claims on Truth Knowledge and Understanding: Toward a Theoretical Foundation for Inter-professional Health Education & Practice
P. O’Neil

Room 204A

Workshop/Symposia W015 Assessing Clinical Quality/Patient Safety Performance:  Moving beyond Procedures and toward Organizational Culture
L. Salazar, M. Moore, D. Keatinge, S. Gonzalez, D. Kim

Room 204B

Workshop/Symposia W016 Health Barometer:  Patient Motivation for Sustained Behaviour Change
L. Cappel

Room 204C

Workshop/Symposia W017 Case Study Workshop:  The Impact of Zero Commercial Funding in a Disease State
K. Loeser, J. Ruggiero

Room 205A

Workshop/Symposia W018 Designing PI CME Activities: The Team Approach
M. Burke, , E. Langmach, J. Heichlbech