Concurrent Session 7 – The Fringe

15:00 - Friday, June 1, 2012

Room 204A

FRINGE F001 Examining autonomic arousal in a web-based CME simulation activity
T. Gorrindo, E. Goldfarb, R. Birnbaum,


  1. Review role of emotional engagement in adult learning.
  2. Describe use of simulation as a CME tool, with a focus on psychiatry.
  3. Apply theories of emotional engagement to design an experiment using web-based simulation.
  4. Analyze relationship between emotional engagement (autonomic arousal and self-reported engagement) and performance in simulation.

Room 204B

FRINGE F002 Game-based educational activities: are they a valid format for physician learning?
A. Kuklinski, M. Seligman, K. Fludder


  1. Discuss the effectiveness of incorporating game-based formats into continuing medical education activities.
  2. Identify the features of game-based formats that can contribute to improvements in physicians’ knowledge, competence and performance.

Room 204C

FRINGE F003 “That’s Just Crazy Talk” – A Play
S. Parikh, E. Michalak, V. Maxwell


Participants will be entertained, informed, and moved by a dramatic presentation of the impact of mental illness as well as stigma on the health and development of a young woman, with a concomitant reduction in stigma


  1. Presentation of a play to inform and educate audience
  2. Provoke reflection on nature of stigma in mental illness
  3. Identify techniques to reduce stigma of mental illness